Welcome to the Microtia Clinic

Welcome to The Microtia Clinic

We are based in Sydney, Australia and run workshops out of Westmead Children’s Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital to assist patients with microtia and other ear anomalies and defects. We have over 30 years experience dealing with microtia and hope you find this website helpful in understanding the treatment process.

Introduction to Microtia

Microtia is a Greek word meaning "small ear". Because the external ear forms at the same time as the middle ear, patients often don't have an ear canal and cannot hear without an implantable device.

Microtia is the congenital absence of the external ear/pinna. It affects 1 in 8000 live births and may be associated with other congenital syndromes such as craniofacial/hemifacial microsomia (CFM), Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS), and Goldenhar's. It commonly affects the right side greater than the left and in some circumstances is bilateral. It affects children of Asian descent slightly more than others. The cause of isolated Microtia is unknown and likely multi-factorial; there is a small genetic component with the risk of an affected parent transmitting to a child around 4-5%.

If the Microtia is part a Craniofacial condition then your child will be managed by the Craniofacial Clinic at Westmead Children's Hospital led by Drs Robert Gates and Damian Marucci.

This site is a valuable source of information for the family and patients with ear problems. It aims to be informative, accurate, and up-to-date, keeping you informed of the latest advances in the field of Ear Reconstruction Surgery.


About Us

Both Dr. John Vandervord and Dr. Jack Zoumaras are fully qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons with over 20 years combined experience in the surgical management of Microtia...






Microtia Clinic


Ear Reconstruction


Ear Aomalies
& Acquired Defects

Contact Us


Find Us At

Dr. John Vandervord

Suite 5, Level 2 North Shore Medical Centre
66 Pacific Highway
St Leonards, NSW, 2065

Microtia Clinic

Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Hawkesbury Rd & Hainsworth St,
Westmead, Sydney NSW

Dr. Jack Zoumaras

Suite 5, Level 2 North Shore Medical Centre
66 Pacific Highway
St Leonards, NSW, 2065

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